Learn Proven Framework To Become an International IT
Freelancer Easy Way. A Complete Comprehensive Course Created Specially For IT People.



Remember, There Is Always Right and Easy Way To Do Things But That Only People Know, Who Have Done It.

Before Going Ahead, Please Watch Below Video To See My Profile.

It'll work for all kind of IT professional, from beginner to exp. If you are experience IT pro, using this same framework ,you can build big self-dependent IT business empire working from anywhere.

Get It Today And Thank me Later, as You'll find it 10 Times more value for Time & Money.

ACTUAL COST : ₹ 9999/-

This Is Perfect Solution Of Indian IT Professional Biggest Problem ?

97% Indian IT Professional Suffer due to Low Salary, Low Quality job or No Job Problem.I have found a perfect solution of this problem,  the main reason for this suffering is that they fight in a crowded Indian IT market whose size is just $287 Billion while they can work in $2.5 TRILLION dollar global IT market without leaving their bedroom. I have suffered from this problem.. so I understand the pain BUT later I found permanent solution of this suffering that is International IT Freelancing .

 Now I’m on a mission to teach the same to other Indian IT pros. The main purpose of this course is to not only make Indian IT pro aware about this gold mine but also teach them how to do it right way and get success. Yes, this is sad truth, 95% Indian IT people don’t know about this golden opportunity & those who knows, know little bit, few tried but failed then make up their mind wrong way. They think they can not do because too much competition etc, but the reason they failed is because they did not do it right way. I’ll teach that same in it.It is also great for such IT People who is experienced and want to build lifelong online biz as WFH or traveller or want to make big money.This is great for both fresher as well as experience. Getting success in it is not difficult if you follow right strategy & guidance, yes some patience and consistent work is require specially in beginning but after that you’ll real freedom in life, no worry about money and job for whole life.


International IT freelancer simply means as an IT professional working for a global worldwide customer as a freelancer while living here in India and that too from bedroom. And, we at iitfschool.com provide a complete comprehensive course on how to become an International IT Freelancer.

Now you might think that how it is possible ? Well, as you know already, end IT products like websites, mobile apps, software, scripts, etc that we (IT people) build or develop for a client or company as an IT professional can be shipped to any corner of the world without any physical career.

That means, we as an IT professional, can work for a worldwide client without leaving our bedroom and get payment directly in our bank account. This is great opportunity for Indian IT professionals but the bad thing is that only few get benefits out of it.


Actually, in India very few IT people know about International IT Freelancing opportunities, and those who knows, know little bit, mostly know about only Fiverr & Upwork.

However, international IT freelance opportunities are much bigger than what 95% of Indian IT people know about and are not just limited to Fiverr & Upwork.

There are many more ways and websites using which IT people can do international Freelancing that most IT people don’t know about.So my whole effort is to give Indian IT people complete knowledge about International IT Freelance(IITF) opportunities and also teach how to do it right way so they could get success. 

After going through this training, you don’t need anything else to get success as an International IT Freelancer, this alone is enough. And, is also the easiest way to start International IT freelancing. So a complete comprehensive course means that covered complete and almost everything around a topic that is necessary.

I created this training assuming the front IT guy has zero knowledge about International IT Freelancing.

In general, there are two ways, you can do international freelancing, one using,  International Freelance marketplace and second, direct way using your self-hosted website or getting direct clients by approaching them using a different method.90% of this course is devoted to how to get success using International Freelance Marketplace because this is the easiest and best way for IT people and anybody can start immediately without investing any extra penny.Our framework training will work for any freelance marketplace if implemented. 

It is the easiest way to start that doesn’t mean it has no potential. You can get a single project up to $20,000++ on these freelance platforms.

Where the whole story begins.......

I didn't get place after finishing B.tech, suffer a lots and accidently got to know about this International IT Freelancing golden opportunity that completely changed my life forever But I surprised to think why such great opportunity was not known before and why even after such great option Indian IT professional are looking for job, suffering due to lack of job, doing low paying job etc. After little research, I found more than 95% Indian IT people do not aware about this great opp.

Now I just want to make sure that every Indian IT professioal & Pursuing IT people as well, not only get aware about this great International IT freelancing opportunity but also know how to do it right way…! And whenever think about career option, this should too among one of them along with job.

The main reason that inspired me to create This Training & Sell For Less, So That Every IT Professionals or Pursuing IT People Could Get Without Thinking Twice is because I Have faced lots of problem due to lack of this knowledge, now I don't want same experience with current IT professional and coming generation. You'll read my story later ...Huh.. I was offered 10,000 Rs per month call center job. Thanks god I rejected that and accidently got to know about this awesome Opportunity....but what about those who dont know about this opportinity and forced to do such kind of job or remain jobless....??? For such people, I have one and only one thing to say and that is "BECOME INTERNATIONAL IT FREELANCER".

This is perfect solution of unemployment & low pay scale problem in Indian IT sector because India producing 6 to 7 lakh IT Engineer every year, no way to get good pay job in such huge crowd unless go for International IT market...See below

No need to be expert coder or programmer, even if you know little bit about web design/dev still you can do or can learn wordpress easily within few days.


Price Will Increase Very Soon

The biggest benefit of international IT freelancing is that once you able to build a good freelance profile (which we can do surely by following training, if you implement) you never need to worry about job and money for whole life, you'll build a strong legacy as well.

For example, look below my profile, now at this stage, for life long I can easily make $2000 to $3000 per month working just 2 to 3 hour per day from anywhere, anytime. I can pause and start anytime, no boss, no time frame, no restriction.I can do this even from death bed till my finger keep working. This is the beauty of international IT freelancing.





No need to leave job, anybody can start along with job as well, just 1 hour per day is good to start (can even do in weekend ), later can increase time or leave job when see positive result.

There are many ways to become international IT freelancer, and all have great potential. Many people just know about upwork, fiverr, freelancer etc and hate bidding thing, getting interviewed from client, getting approval etc.If you're one of them that's no problem at all, you can try other way where you don't need to look for client for sell nor any selling activity needed. Here you can sell finished IT product like website, mobile app, software/script etc, just by listing. I have included every type in this training, you can pick whatever suits best to your nature/skill. I have already taught many foreign people as well before, chargig big $$$ but now you can get same framework for almost nothing.

Don’t Just Take My Word For It, Look What My Past Student Say About me…

In such low price It's No Brainer, As It will give many time more value & Also Help You GROW BIG in your career along with all kind freedom.


The best & fastest way to get success in online world is to learn from whom, who have already done same thing what you wanted to do. I have figured out everything byself that's why it took lots of time, effort and even losses, but now you don't have to go through same route Now I know exactly what to do or what not and where to focus or where not. And I have recorded complete step-by-setp training, your job is just follow as it is and you're done.


I don’t talk theory, I preach what I did. You have already seen live income proof video. Its My Personal Guarantee,IF IT DOES NOT WORK FOR YOU, I WILL REFUND YOU EVERY PENNY, WITH THE ONLY CONDITION BEING THAT YOU MUST TAKE ACTION AND FOLLOW TRAINING exactly.Please note, no refund on crash
course training.

Get it today, Implement it and if you won't see any result, just shoot a mail & I'll refund 100%. This is how confident I'm of my system.You have 180 days to try it out without any risk.

Believe Me, If I Say- "As an IT professionals, we're living in golden age but bad thing is that we're not getting benefits out of it. We've skill/expertise that we can sell to worldwide client seating inside our bedroom
and that too many times more than Indian market. For same, other skill people like Electrical, mechanical etc have to go outside country. If more Indian IT professional become International IT freelancer then it is also good for our country.




You'll have lifetime freedom to work from anywhere & anytime, either from beach or bedroom.


Once you build a good profile, it will work for life time till you want.It is like one time effort and then few hr per day..


You'll work less and make more money. You can even outsource your work to others, so you'll have lots of time to spend with friend & family.


You can scale it to big.I personally know many IT pro who make 10 to 20 lakh per month from freelancing.

Price Is Going To Increase soon, May be 6999 Rs Later


Mr. Pawan

Founder & Creator Of IITFreelancer (International IT Freelancer)

India’s population is 142 crore, in such huge population unless & untill we diversify our job getting ways…unemployment issue will remain a big problem. No matter, what’s your skill or expertise is except few thousand people getting good pay scale job is very difficult in India and slowly it is growing.IT field is also not an exception. 

To sort out this problem, many Indian go foreign country to make good money. However, if you have IT skill, you can do same thing living here in India as well, that’s great thing.This is the reason, I used to say this is golden age for IT people.

I personally know few IT people who is sufering from same problem but when I asked why don’t you do international freelancing, they made same complaint, I tried but did not get project, didn’t get client etc. Actually, they took action  but did not do it right way, result is failed. That’s why I decided to create training and promote it agressivly. The purpose of selling this course is not only for making money but also let people know about this opportunity and get success.

This training is not only make people aware about this great opportunity but also provide full step-by-step training, so they can implement and get success. I have also included training about how I made $70,000 and built lifelong system.

I know people selling master mind, master class training/webinar etc for 5k to 50k Rs, that’s not bad but if you implement it, you don’t need any such kind of that I can say it with my experience.It is alone enough to make you million dollar international IT freelancer life long career.

Here IT professional doesn't mean you should have professional degree(if you have degree that's great ) and expert in programming or
coding. Nope friend, even you can do it without degree and little knoweldge of IT's thing. A simple web designer or wordpress designer can also become million dollar international IT freelancer.

This Is First Ever Course In India Exclusive For IT Professional


Stop working for someone who can fire you anytime instead start working on something that keep working for you lifelong along with freedom, and money. And that will make you fire your boss... Even if you tried in past and failed I advice you tried at least once more, promise no regret at all. No B.S! No Fluff!

ACTUAL COST : ₹ 9999/-



The course is currenctly in English language(simple english, if you’re IT pro, you can understand easily) but I am also creating in Hindi language, within few days it’ll be available.

The Videos are shared in the member’s area, you cannot download them however you can watch it anytime you want – any number of times you want. All you need is a Mobile/Laptop and an Internet connection.

Nothing special, just any IT skill even simple web design or wordpress skill is good, internet, laptop or pc and little bit knowledge of English(only text communication via message or chat, no verbal talk).

Zero …you don’t need to invest even a penny after getting this course.

We give lifetime support to our students so you can ask as many questions you want and we have a dedicated Facebook group also for the student.

It’s a recorded course which will be given to you in a video format. On join, you will create account and password using which you can watch all lesson in one go.

Don’t worry, after payment you’ll redirect on page where you’ll get information about access of this course.

As an international IT freelancer, you’ll work for international company or client remotely while living in India.This is main thing.

However, apart from working as an international IT freelancer, I have also included training on how you can get fix salary job in international company while living in India and working from India.

Absolutely, yes, it is fully remote work from home that you can do from anywhere beach, park, bedroom, garden etc.This is the best thing about international IT freelancing, you’ll get complete freedom.

Any IT professional or pursuing IT candidate is fit for it, even though they don’t have any skill expertise. Few skill like wordpress could be learn within few days or month, if you’re from IT backgroud.

However, if you are IT pro then must have some kind of IT skill already that’s why you’re 200% fit for it.

Here don’t need any degree, so even NON-IT guy can also work, if they have any IT skill or they can learn, if they want.

No fix working hour, you can start with 30 min per day and as per work demand can go up.

Later, once you start getting more client hence more project, you can do byself or hire someone to do it for you. So working hour is completely in your control. You’ll get paid enough, to hire someone else to do it for you as well. 

As soon as, your profile grow, your workload will decrease.

NOPE, this is complete comprehensive training, included complete knowledge of International IT freelancing(many people just know few) ways, so after going through this course, first you will have complete knoweldge of ways you can become international IT Freelancer. I’m sure, after going through this, you’ll say…oh so aise bhi kar skate hain, ye to hame pata bhi nahi tha (oh, we can do like this as well, i was not knowing such thing is also possible).

Second comes, SUPER FRAMEWORK TRAINING. You can apply it on any form of international IT freelancing and it’ll work for sure. Without this, no matter what you do or how much knoweldge you have, you can not become successful in online freelancing world. It will work great for both beginner to pro level IT professional.

Third, I have also included some platform specific training like website flipping, IT product based platform etc.

Again, NO, NO, NO…listen if you’re expert in coding or programming, damn good, you can offer your services.

But if you’re not, no worry at all, wordpress like thing also work great where you can build great websites using drag drop content management system (CMS). And you know, how big demand of website thing, specially after covid.

Yes, it’s great to have this knowledge before you join any professional course because in that case, you will stress out of job or placement type thing and work on your skill rather that doing too many thing that is of no value.

I have one special section for pursuing IT candidate on how to use this training, if you are pursuing IT candidate.

I still regret that why I was not aware about this while doing B.tech because if that was the case..I never had to face so much trouble.I CAN SAY, THIS IS MUST HAVE COURSE FOR EVERY IT PEOPLE EITHER PRO OR BEGINNER OR PURSUING.

This is common question, many people have in mind. Let me tell you friend, sky is the limit here. It is far from any normal guy could imagine, I personally know many international freelancer who make more than 20 to 30 lakh per month. When it comes to average freelancer earning , it’s 20 lakh per annum (paypal reprt, see screenshot above).

It’s all depend on your effort and honesty while following this training principle (making customer happy).

Not only that, in second section, I have also shown live how people are making million dollar from this. Even simple, website design skill guy making millions.Do not worry, you’ll see it live in training.

You just need conversational English as we talk on message or chat or email, no talking, no verbal communication. If you can chat in English, mean if can write simple english, you can do this.

However, I will tell few online tools that you can use to check grammar and spelling mistakes, do not worry about it. I know few guy also use Google transaltor for english help and they use it for professional communication.

Please call us on +91-8789822881 or write to us at info@iitfschool.com and we will take care of your queries.

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